Terms & Conditions
SwimHappy terms and conditions 2023
These are the terms and conditions on which SwimHappy (“we” and “us”) provide swimming lessons to you, the customer (“you”). Please read them carefully before making a booking with us.
Information about us and how to contact us
We are SwimHappy.uk, you can contact us via email: info@swimhappy.uk or by mobile: 07730425380
1. Registration and lessons
Registration – when you book classes with us, we need your personal information such as the name of you and your child, their date of birth, address, your contact details (such as email address and a contact number). Please note, this information is stored and processed in accordance with GDPR.
Your booking is not guaranteed until we receive payment of the classes and you receive a confirmation from us that your place is confirmed.
By sending payment for your classes, you agree to a contract between us and you, to provide your lessons.
Classes are run on a 39 week school term calendar year, and our current price for lessons is explained through the booking platform (ClassforKids)
Excluding in circumstances outside of our control, we will provide your lessons at the place, time and class that you book. In cases of emergency, we will inform you as soon as practicable of the change in venue.
Prices for classes are confirmed prior to booking.
We accept BACs bank transfers, direct debit or cash for payment of lessons.
We reserve the right to change swimming teacher but will make you aware in advance of this change. We will only do this in exceptional circumstances.
All our teachers are appropriately qualified to teach your child and are DBS checked every year, and have updated training every 2 years, as well as the safety rescue award from the STA and RLSS
3. Sickness
Due to the nature of swimming classes, clients must not bring the child swimming if they, or their supporting adult, have any illness such as an ear infection, diarrhoea, chicken pox, impetigo, conjunctivitis or flu
They must wait until the doctor has given the all-clear before returning to classes. In the instance of sickness and diarrhoea, the child/adult must have been clear of all symptoms for at least 48 hours before attending a lesson.
4. Medical Conditions
Clients must declare to the admin person (Alice and Bronwen) of any existing medical conditions that they are aware of that the child, or adult if taking lessons, has which may be communicable or possibly be harmful or not to another person.
The client must agree to inform me of any changes in any medical condition as soon as you are aware of them. All information will be kept strictly confidential
Should the child or the adult taking the child into the water, have, or develop, any known or suspected medical condition, they must consult their doctor before continuing swimming lessons and inform the owner (Alice Humphrey and Bronwen Rowlands). All information received will be treated in confidence and with sensitivity.
5. Children with special needs and disabilities
We will do all we can to accommodate children with special needs and disabilities and will work with you to establish the best way to accommodate your child’s needs in the lesson.
Prior to paying for your first block of lessons, we will arrange a consultation to fully explore any adjustments and support we can give to allow the child to fully participate in their lessons and will make recommendation for the level of ability of your child based on our professional judgement.
6. Responsible Adult Responsibilities and Client welfare
We ask you to stay in the building with your child for the entire lesson, and to keep close watch at all times. Depending on the age and ability of your child, you may be required to get into the water for some or all of the lesson, but we will let you know this in advance.
Please arrive ‘Beach Ready’ for your lesson so we can begin the lesson quickly and promptly. Information about arriving at the pool and leaving classes is detailed in your welcome letter.
You are responsible for any person you bring with you to the pool, as well as any student in the class. Where possible, please limit the number of people to yourself and the child who is participating.
Additional responsibilities for responsible adults and students include:
• Photography and video recording at the pool is strictly prohibited at all times.
• Shoes must be removed before entering the poolside or, if available, overshoes are to be worn.
• No buggies or prams are allowed in the changing rooms
• If the student has long hair, this must be tied back or a swimming cap worn
• Please remove loose fitting or sharp jewellery
• Please have a shower prior to your swimming lesson
• The student or their responsible adult must not enter the pool until invited to do so by the teacher.
• At the end of the lesson, the student must leave the pool quickly and in an orderly manner. Changing rooms may be used after the class but not before.
• There is to be no running at the poolside or playing in the showers prior or after the lesson.
• Clients must follow pool procedures as advised to them at the time of confirmation.
• Arrive no more than 10 minutes before the lesson and leave no more than 15 minutes after the lesson has started anyone later than this maybe denied access to here lesson as this can be disruptive.
• Food is strictly forbidden in the pool buildings and mess on the floor should be kept to a minimum. (Mud or grass). A member of staff should be informed if the floor is soiled.
• Please refrain from smoking on the school site
• Please take all your rubbish home with you this includes nappies
• All children who are not pottied trained must wear a neoprene swim nappy over the top of the swim nappy to prevent faeces entering the pool.
• If your children does go for a poo – please exit the water as quickly as possible and change them they can come back in once they are changed!
• If lesson has to stop abruptly due to vomit for faeces the lesson will finish, we ask you exit as quickly as possible and shower off. There are no refunds for a sudden unexpected closure if they happen during the class.
• If a lesson should be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions, staff sickness, pool closures will reschedule your lesson at another day or time.